going to go on a political rant against everyone, so forgive me.
don’t. I genuinely could care less right now.
having to read an embarrassingly illogical conservative piece yesterday that my
unethically capitalistic employer published, and then being subjected to my embarrassingly
immature liberal coworkers rip it apart like they have some handle on decency… well,
let’s just say I’m in less of a diplomatic mood.
in the world don’t people ever stop to question their own motives, tactics and
logic instead of focusing solely on everything the other side is doing wrong? We
could all save ourselves a lot of pain and misery if we would look in the
mirror once in a while.
mean, what are we afraid of seeing?
has proved time and time again what such closeminded devotion to a cause – even
a good cause – can do. And, newsflash, it ain’t pretty.
example, researching the American Revolutionary War while writing Maiden America and now Designing America, I uncovered a whole
list of grossly inappropriate behavior… on both sides… all because individuals
or groups thought themselves completely right and anyone who disagreed with
them completely irrelevant.
of hearing me talk about that time period? Fine. How about World War II? A large
reason Hitler had the opportunity to rise to power was because Germany was
treated so miserably after World War I.
other words, if the allied powers had stopped for a second to consider the
possibility that they might be being self-righteous instead of righteous, we
might never have gotten the Holocaust, with its genocide, persecution and
downright revolting science experiments on human beings.
not saying you shouldn’t have your opinions. I’m not saying you shouldn’t keep
your opinions. I’m not even saying you shouldn’t passionately stand by them.
for crying out loud people of all political stripes, recognize that you’re just
as fallible as the other side… and that you have the same exact ability to be an
embarrassingly hypocritical jerk.
I need to change my work photo to the picture in this blog.