Monday, March 2, 2015

Some of the Most Fun Book Dedications I’ve Ever Seen! (Mainly ‘Cause I Wrote Them)

No offense to other writers, but I find most book dedications drippy and uninteresting. They’re obviously geared toward one or two people, though presented to thousands… maybe even millions.

For my part, I like having fun with them. I already told you back in January about my historical novel “Maiden America” (available on in print and Kindle copies), which I took great delight in dedicating to some real-life antagonists of my own. (This is why you shouldn’t tick off writers.)

But here are a few more of my favorite ones I’ve written…

Faerietales Book 1, “Not So Human” (available on in print and Kindle copies):

To Danae, who read this story cover to cover repeatedly… Thank you so much for putting that time and effort in. It meant more than I can possibly say. To Christina, my favoritest big sister ever… I owe you for tearing into all the tiny details the way you did. I don’t know how you do it, but I’m certainly glad you’ve got my back. And to Tanja, who caught a few glaring errors as well… I love you. Just not enough to give you money.

Faerietales Book 2, “To Err Is Faerie” (available on in print and Kindle copies on March 24, 2015):

To my usual cohorts, Christina and Danae, for reading this over and telling me when to dial my creative proclivities down a notch or two (or three or four). And to my darling, kindhearted mom, who still loves me even though I didn’t give a certain HPAC villain the redemption story she wanted me to. In my defense, he really didn’t deserve one.

And to my brother… He doesn’t care about my writing, but he is awesome. (He added that in himself.)

My brother really did add that last bit in, and I thought it was way too entertaining to take out.

Dirty Politics Book 1, “The Politician’s Pawn” (available on in print and Kindle copies on May 24, 2015):

To Ashleigh, the best nurse and fellow cookie dough connoisseur a girl could ask for. Thanks for ensuring I didn’t mess up any of the medical details! And to Christina, for lending her ever-thorough eye and making sure I didn’t get eaten by a shark before I could write this story down. Clearly, I owe you big time. Like REALLY big time.

I wish I was kidding about that last part, since getting eaten by a shark is one of my worst fears in life. Christina and I were out in the ocean a few years ago when we saw a shark fin go by. Christina, being the intelligent creature that she is, started walking back to shore since we were only up to our chests.

Me? I tried to swim it, and then panicked when a wave dragged me further out… toward the shark. If you know anything about sharks, then you know that thrashing around like an idiot is the absolute worst thing you can do around them. Yet that’s exactly what I ended up doing.

Christina had to get right in my face, and nearly knock me out, to make me calm down enough to walk to safety.

I have the best big sister ever.

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