haven’t worked on anything NaNoWriMo in three days.
see, there’s this little thing called Faeriecon that took place this past
Friday, Saturday and Sunday. And that’s exactly where I was instead of working
on my story.
my absolute love of faeries, I only found out about this venue last year. So
this year, instead of checking it out as a consumer, I went right ahead and
signed up to sell my Faerietales books. I thought, what the heck! They’re about
faeries, my books are about faeries… why not?

I did.
out, Faeriecon is more for people looking to dress up like faeries
than to read about them. There were two other authors on the floor I was on,
and they didn’t appear to be any more popular than I was. Though it wasn’t an
entire wash, as I might have gotten some editorial clients out of it. I gave
away the majority of my flyers, so here’s hoping for some bites!
some of my vending neighbors around me were highly entertaining. There was
Bobby across the way, who was selling jewelry. He had vampire fangs, a kilt and
a long list of entertaining stories to tell. And Lauren and Kristin right
beside me were just as hysterical.
a djinn, had painted herself the most vivid shade of blue, complete with large,
twisted horns sticking out of her head. She looked utterly awesome, and while I
was rather envious of her aqua pigment choice, there is no way I would want to
duplicate the look, as it took her at least an hour and a half to get all done
up every morning.
patience I just don’t have.
best friend and business partner was a faerie with the curliest red hair ever.
If Disney Princess Merida had pointy ears and wings, she would look exactly
like Kristin. I swear. Once again… jealous.
overall, lesson learned. Faeriecon is for faeries, not for authors.
it’ll be right back to NaNoWriMo for me. Which, incidentally, isn’t worrying me
despite my three-day sabbatical.
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