Monday, September 21, 2015

Writer’s Block Is Like Being in a Bad Relationship

I saw a meme the other day that read: “Writer’s Block… When your imaginary friends won’t talk to you.”

From one perspective, that’s highly entertaining. But it’s also depressing considering how true it is.

It’s akin to being thirteen years old (which is, incidentally, creative writers’ average maturity level) and you have this like, OMG, so cool friend.

You two are tight. You’re BFFs. And you have been for like a whole totes awesome month.

You take this as a sign you’ll be BFFs for like infinity. Times infinity. To the infinityeth power.


I mean, you do, like, everything together. You go on the coolest adventures and talk about boys and how nobody understands you and how someday, you’re going to do something totes awesome.

(Don’t judge the repetition. Thirteen-year-olds don’t utilize very extensive vocabulary.)

Anywho, one day, without like any warning, your supposed BFF ditches you. She won’t return your texts or reply to your Snapchat pix. She’s not even tweeting today!

It’s like she hates you. Or like she was kidnapped. Or maybe even dead! Maybe you’ll never see her again!! This is cray cray!!! You’re freaking out!!!!

Until, a day or a week or maybe even a month later, she texts you again: U wanna gt 2gether?

You’re furious at her. She’s a total monster. How could she do this to you!

But you guys are like BFFs, and you’re just so happy she’s not dead. So instead of telling her to step like you know you should, you text back: totes mcgotes! J

That’s what it’s like going through writer’s block.

Worse yet, there’s no warning when she’ll desert you next. She’s totally fickle. And you’re totally pathetic, because no matter how many times she runs away, leaving you empty-handed and empty-headed… you’ll always go crawling back just as soon as she calls.

She’s just too much fun not to play with. When she actually sticks around.

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